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Our risk advisory clients are typically within fund management, corporate finance and private equity, including their investment companies.


The case studies below provide an overview of the type of work we have done for clients since inception. These case studies reflect the fact that risk is present no matter what lifecycle stage the business is at. Hopefully they also demonstrate that treating risk as a compliance tick the box exercise is a missed opportunity.  Harnessing the power of the intellectual property owned by staff and management through management risk workshops can lead to the discovery of  'golden nuggets' of insight that can make your business thrive in any economic climate.

Case Study 1: Risk Governance, Appetite and Framework

We have successfully rolled-out this process at three clients, most recently for a listed Australian insurance firm that had bought a large UK insurance firm and needed to develop 'blended' group-wide risk management processes and policies. The process involves:

  • Identifying risks and sub-risks;

  • developing risk appetite statements at sub-risk level;

  • re-engineering risk governance frameworks to ensure that, for each risk type, the right people are part of the discussion; and

  • developing risk reporting templates that are easy to update and flow into the governance framework.

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Case Study 2: Internal Audit

 We are working with a relatively early-stage APAC data centre provider who is looking to develop an internal audit function as preparation for applying for an ASX-listing. This process involves:

  • Understanding risk appetite,  key risk priorities and emerging risks;

  • Updating risk reporting and re-engineering the risk governance frameworks as required; and

  • Developing an internal audit plan (risks to be audited, frequency of audit, resourcing & reporting) to ensure key stakeholder and community expectations are met.

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Case Study 3: Anti-Bribery and Corruption

ABC legislation is at different levels of maturity in different countries, with Europe and USA leading the charge.  This product offering is suited to Australian businesses with interests (subsidiaries, suppliers, customers) in higher risk APAC countries. It involves:

  • Understanding ABC risk exposure and appetite and the existing processes and reporting frameworks in place;

  • Formal staff education and training with respect to ABC coupled with a review of whistle-blower reporting and escalation processes (to ensure the protection of any staff members who report bribery or corruption); and

  • Beefing-up existing ABC risk processes and reporting frameworks by undertaking targeted reviews of high risk payment processes as well as implementing assurance and ongoing monitoring programs.

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Case Study 4: Modern Slavery

We have provided this product to a fund management client and our early-stage data centre provider. It involves:

  • Understanding modern slavery risk exposure and appetite and the existing processes and reporting frameworks in place;

  • Formal staff education and training with respect to modern slavery coupled with a review of whistle-blower reporting and escalation processes (to ensure the protection of any staff members who report instances of modern slavery); 

  • Beefing-up existing modern slavery risk processes and reporting frameworks through the use of supplier onboarding questionnaires and  codes of conduct; and

  • Analysing supplier network by country and activity type and writing/ updating Modern Slavery Statements

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